Page 7 of 2158
Journal Name ISSN Status
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 15577333 | 07342071 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 10730516 | 15577325 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Computing Education 19466226 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 26378051 | 26911957 Scopus PubMed
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2378962X | 23789638 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Database Systems 15574644 | 03625915 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 10844309 | 15577309 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 21678383 | 21678375 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 26883007 | 2688299X Scopus
ACM Transactions on Graphics 07300301 | 15577368 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction 25739522 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 15577406 | 10949224
ACM Transactions on Information Systems 10468188 | 15582868 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 21576912 | 21576904 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 21606455 | 21606463 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 25776207 | 26911914 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 15576051 | 15335399 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 15564681 | 1556472X Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2158656X | 21586578 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 15577295 | 00983500 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 10493301 | 15581195 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems 23763647 | 23763639 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 15516857 | 15516865 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 07342047
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 23294957 | 23294949 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 24712566 | 24712574 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 01640925 | 15584593 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 26436817 | 26436809 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems 19367414 | 19367406 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 15504859 | 15504867 Scopus WoS Core PubMed