Page 6 of 2158
Journal Name ISSN Status
Accounting, Business and Financial History 14664275 | 09585206
Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium 21522820 | 21946051 Scopus WoS Core
Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance and Fraud 25097881 | 25097873 Scopus
Accounting, Management and Information Technologies 18737595 | 09598022
Accounting, Organizations and Society 03613682 | 18736289 Scopus WoS Core
Accounts of Chemical Research 15204898 | 00014842 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
Accounts of Materials Research 26436728 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
Accreditation and Quality Assurance 09491775 | 14320517 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional 20271131 | 21454493 Scopus WoS Core
Acervo 0102700X | 22378723 Scopus
ACG Case Reports Journal 23263253 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACH - Models in Chemistry 12178969
ACI Materials Journal 0889325X | 1944737X Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACI Structural Journal 08893241 | 19447361 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
Acimed 15612880 | 10249435
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 19322240 | 19322232 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Computing Surveys 03600300 | 15577341 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Inroads 21532192 | 21532184 Scopus
ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing 15314278
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 15504832 | 15504840 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM SIGBED Review 15513688
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 15581160 | 15232867
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 19367228 | 19367236 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Algorithms 15496325 | 15496333 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 15443965 | 15443558 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 23754699 | 23754702 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing 15583430 | 15300226
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 15564665 | 15564703 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 19423462 | 19423454 Scopus WoS Core
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 15293785 | 1557945X Scopus WoS Core