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Journal Name ISSN Status
Voice of the Publisher Predatory
Waste Predatory
Weberbauerella Predatory
Weekly Science International Research Journal Predatory
Wind Predatory
Wireless Engineering and Technology Predatory
Wireless Sensor Network Predatory
World Academy of Informatics and Management Sciences (WAIMS) Predatory
World Essays Journal (WEJ) Predatory
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR) Predatory
World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics Predatory
World Journal of Engineering and Technology Predatory
World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (WJERT) Predatory
World Journal of Environmental Biosciences (WJEB, also called World Journal of Environmental Biology) Predatory
World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR) Predatory
World Journal of Mechanics Predatory
World Journal of Nano Science and Engineering Predatory
World Journal of Nuclear Science and Tecnology Predatory
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences (WJPLS) Predatory
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (WJPMR) Predatory
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (WJPR) Predatory
World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPS) Predatory
World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS) Predatory
World Journal of Research and Review (WJRR) Predatory
World Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) Predatory
World Medical Student Journal (WorldMSJ) Predatory
World Nutrition (WPHNA) Predatory
World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development Predatory
Wulfenia (hijacked) Predatory
Yangtze Medicine Predatory