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Journal Name ISSN Status
The Experiment Predatory
The International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education (IIJE) Predatory
The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce Predatory
The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science (JMCS) Predatory
The Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications (JNSA) Predatory
The Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation (JPSI) Predatory
The Journal of Reading and Literacy (JRL) Predatory
The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal Predatory
The Scitech Journal Predatory
Theoretical Economics Letters Predatory
Translational Medicine and Biotechnology (TMB) Predatory
Transnational Journal of Science and Technology (TJST) Predatory
Transworld Medical Journal (TWMJ) Predatory
Trauma Care Predatory
Trends in Higher Education Predatory
Trends Journal of Sciences Research (TJSR) Predatory
Tropical Plant Research Predatory
Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (hijacker of a legitimate journal) Predatory
Turkish Journal of Scientific Research Predatory
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET) Predatory
Ultra Engineer Predatory
Ulutas Genetic Research Journal Predatory
Universal Journal of Applied Computer Science and Technology Predatory
Universal Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (UniCSE) Predatory
Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (UJPR) Predatory
Universal Journal of Pharmacy (UJP Online) Predatory
Universe of Emerging Technology and Science (UNIETS) Predatory
Uro Predatory
Virtual Worlds Predatory
Visi Jurnal Akademik Predatory