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Journal Name ISSN Status
Positioning Predatory
Powders Predatory
Premier Journal of Artificial Intelligence (PJAI) Predatory
Premier Journal of Business and Management (PJBM) Predatory
Premier Journal of Computer Science (PJCS) Predatory
Premier Journal of Data Science (PJDS) Predatory
Premier Journal of Engineering (PJE) Predatory
Premier Journal of Environmental Science (PJES) Predatory
Premier Journal of Genetics (PJG) Predatory
Premier Journal of Immunology (PJI) Predatory
Premier Journal of Neuroscience (PJN) Predatory
Premier Journal of Plant Biology (PJPB) Predatory
Premier Journal of Public Health (PJPH) Predatory
Premier Journal of Science (PJS) Predatory
Premier Journal of Social Science (PJSS) Predatory
Preslia Journal (hijacker of a legitimate journal) Predatory
Proceedings * Predatory
Professionals Center for Business Research Predatory
Progress in Physics Predatory
Psyche: A Journal of Entomology Predatory
PunarnaV Predatory
Pyxis Journal Predatory
Quantum Engineering Predatory
Quarterly Physics Review Predatory
Radiation Predatory
Reef Resources Assessment and Management Technical Paper Predatory
Reports Predatory
Reproductive Medicine Predatory
Research Ambition Predatory
Research Chronicler Predatory