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Journal Name ISSN Status
Oral Predatory
Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology Predatory
Osteology Predatory
Oxygen Predatory
Paideuma Journal of Research Predatory
Pain Studies and Treatment Predatory
Palma Journal Predatory
Paripex Indian Journal of Research (PIJR) Predatory
Parkinson’s Disease Predatory
Path of Science (Traektoriâ Nauki) Predatory
Pattern Recognition in Physics Predatory
People’s Journal of Scientific Research Predatory
Pharma Innovation Predatory
Pharmaceutical and Biological Evaluations Predatory
Pharmacie Globale: International Journal of Comprehensive Pharmacy (IJCP) Predatory
Pharmacognosy Magazine (published by Phcog.Net) Predatory
Pharmacognosy Research (published by Medknow) Predatory
Pharmacognosy Reviews (published by Phcog.Net) Predatory
Pharmacognosy: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Predatory
Pharmacologia Predatory
PharmacologyOnline (PhOL) Predatory
Pharmacy Predatory
PHARMANEST: An International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences Predatory
Physical Education and Sports Research Journal (Academic Sports Scholars) Predatory
Physical Sciences Forum * Predatory
Pioneer-scientists (Pioneer Scientists) Predatory
Plant Digest Predatory
Plants Journal / Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies Predatory
Platforms Predatory
POLISH POLAR RESEARCH (hijacker of a legitimate journal) Predatory