Page 655 of 673
Publisher Name Status
Open BioMedical Publishing Corporation Predatory
LifeSciFeed Ventures Predatory
Lighthouse Journal Publication Predatory
Literati Scientific and Publishers Predatory
London Journals Press Predatory
Longbridge Publishing Company Predatory
Longdom Publishing Predatory
Look Academic Publishers Predatory
Lorem Journals Predatory
Lupine Publishers Predatory
Macoctagon Journals Predatory
macroJournals Predatory
Macrothink Institute Predatory
MacroWorld Predatory
Madridge Publishers Predatory
Magnus Med Club Predatory
Mainspringer Predatory
Mak Periodical Library Predatory
Management Journals Predatory
Mary and Sam Research Academia Predatory
Maryland Institute of Research Predatory
MASAUM Network Predatory
Mathews Open Access Journals Predatory
Maxwell Scientific Organization Predatory
MAYFEB Technology Development Predatory
McMed International Predatory
Meas Publishing Ltd Predatory
Mecs Predatory
MedCave Publications Predatory
MedCrave Predatory