Page 9 of 2158
Journal Name ISSN Status
ACS Applied Nano Materials 25740970 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Applied Optical Materials 27719855 Scopus PubMed
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 26376105 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Bio and Med Chem Au 26942437 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 23739878 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Catalysis 21555435 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Central Science 23747951 | 23747943 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Chemical Biology 15548929 | 15548937 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Chemical Health and Safety 18780504 | 18715532 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Chemical Neuroscience 19487193 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Combinatorial Science 21568952 | 21568944 PubMed
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 24723452 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Energy Letters 23808195 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Environmental Au 26942518 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS ES and T Engineering 26900645 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS ES and T Water 26900637 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Food Science and Technology 26921944 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Infectious Diseases 23738227 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Macro Letters 21611653 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Materials Au 26942461 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Materials Letters 26394979 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Measurement Science Au 2694250X Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 19485875 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Nano 1936086X | 19360851 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Nanoscience Au 26942496 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Omega 24701343 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Organic and Inorganic Au 2694247X Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Pharmacology and Translational Science 25759108 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Photonics 23304022 Scopus WoS Core PubMed
ACS Physical Chemistry Au 26942445 Scopus WoS Core PubMed