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Journal Name ISSN Status
Scientific Researches Predatory
Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation Predatory
Scientific World Predatory
Scire Salutis Predatory
Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (SJASS) Predatory
SCRO Annual Report Journal Predatory
Sensors & Transducers Journal Predatory
Seventh Sense Research Group Journal Predatory
Shiraz E-Medical Journal Predatory
Shiv Rudraksha International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management Predatory
Signa Vitae – Journal of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Predatory
Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies (SJBEM) (connected to Arabian Group of Journals, AGJ) Predatory
Sinusitis Predatory
Smart & Young Predatory
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Predatory
Smart Nanosystems in Engineering and Medicine Predatory
Social Evolution Predatory
Society: Politics, Economics, Law (Obŝestvo: Politika, Èkonomika, Pravo) (published by LLC Publishing House KHORS) Predatory
Sociology Mind Predatory
Soft Predatory
Soft Nanoscience Letters Predatory
Software Predatory
Solar Predatory
South Asian Journal of Experimental Biology (SAJEB) Predatory
South Asian Journal of Food Technology and Environment Predatory
South Asian Journal of Mathematics Predatory
South Florida Journal of Development Predatory
South Florida Journal of Environmental and Animal Science Predatory
South Florida Journal of Health Predatory
South Indian Journal Of Biological Sciences Predatory