Page 2143 of 2158
Journal Name ISSN Status
Journal of Postharvest Technology Predatory
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering Predatory
Journal of Process Management and New Technologies International (JPMNT) Predatory
Journal of Quantum Information Science Predatory
Journal of Renewable Energy Predatory
Journal of Research and Opinion (inactive) Predatory
Journal of Research in Anaesthesology and Pain Medicine (JRAP) Predatory
Journal of Research in Biology Predatory
Journal of Research in Computers and Technology (JRCT) Predatory
Journal of Research in Ecology (JRE) Predatory
Journal of Research in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (JRFMT) Predatory
Journal of Research in General Surgery and Laparoscopy (JEGSL) Predatory
Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Embryology (JRHAE) Predatory
Journal of Research in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Infertility (JROGI) Predatory
Journal of Research in Preventive and Social Medicine (JRPSM) Predatory
Journal of Research in Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences (JRPBS) Predatory
Journal of Research in Radiodiagnosis, Teleradiology and Imaging (JRRTI) Predatory
Journal of Research in Traditional Medicine (JRTM) Predatory
Journal of Respiration Predatory
Journal of Science Predatory
Journal of Science and Its Applications (JOSAIA) Predatory
Journal of Science and Technology Advances Predatory
Journal of Science Editing Predatory
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Predatory
Journal of Scientific Letters Predatory
Journal of Scientific Research and Development Predatory
Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy (JSRP) Predatory
Journal of Scientific Research in Physical & Mathematical Sciences Predatory
Journal of Scientific Theory and Methods Predatory
Journal of Scientometric Research (published by eManuscript, a publishing division of Phcog.Net) Predatory